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Lori's Impossible Things Newsletter
Get news about the impossible things that are going on in Lori's life: new releases, author events, her travels, and answers to your questions. Be sure to subscribe. Impossible Things will land in your mailbox every two to three months (sometimes more often, but usually less).
Be Social
If you follow Lori on Instagram, you know that she believes a picture can say much, but sometimes, we need words. You can find more words on Facebook, though Lori only shows up on Tuesdays and Fridays, usually before breakfast, often talking about impossible things and answers to your questions.
Check out Lori's novel boards on Pinterest.
Lori answers a lot of questions in her FAQ, but if you have questions that you don't find answered there, post your question on Facebook.
Need More?
Do you want to interview Lori? Find her media kit here and get in touch.
Is some part of the website not working? Send Lori a note here.
Want to schedule a school visit? Check out Lori's calendar and email the guest speaker form to info@lorigravley.com.
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